MgA. Emil Adamec
ethnographic studies about technological boundaries and cognitive biases which resultate polarization
Social Interactions, Cognitive Correlations and Polarization
Persistence of Technological Boundaries and Techniques Polarizing Social Groups
December 18, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. in room C335
Faculty of Arts
1 What is about
2 What are the contributions
3 Introduction
4 Methods
5 Data
6 Results
7 Conclusions
8 Limitations
9 Future works
10 Literature survey
11 Practical implications
12 Related Papers
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Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
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Persisting technological boundaries: Social interactions, cognitive
correlations and polarization
Valentine Roux
, Blandine Bril
, Jessie Cauliez
, Anne-Lise Goujon
, Catherine Lara
Claire Manen
, Georoy de Saulieu
, Etienne Zangato
Préhistoire & Technologie, CNRS, Nanterre, France
EHESS, Paris, France
Traces, CNRS, Toulouse, France
IRD, Marseille, France
Technological boundaries
Ceramic traditions
Cognitive bias
Learning process
Social interactions
In this paper, we address the question of the conditions for persistence of technological boundaries. We use eld
studies to test the predictions generated by a theoretical model in analytical sociology and examine the micro-
processes at stake in the non-diusion of techniques: to which extent techniques contributes to a sharp dis-
agreement between groups and promote polarization? The ultimate goal is to provide archaeologists with an
empirically tested model to explain spatial distribution of technological clusters and maintenance of technolo-
gical boundaries. Field studies examine ethnographic situations in four countries where social groups using
dierent ceramic techniques for making utilitarian vessels live in close geographical proximity. Two situations
enable us to examine the conditions under which technological boundaries persist, while two others enable us to
analyze, through a boundary-making perspective, how dierences in craft techniques contribute to polarization.
Our data suggest that in a context where dierent techniques are used for dierent types of object there is a
cognitive bias which fosters technological polarization. This cognitive bias develops in the course of interactions
between actors living in close geographical proximity. Polarization increases when technological standards are
used by dierent social groups, thereby favoring negative inuence and persistent technological boundaries.
1. Introduction
In archaeology, the study of technological changes has two sides:
the adoption (invention and spreading) of new techniques and the non-
diusion of techniques (or non-borrowing whether considering the
actor or the technique). Diusion participates in homogenization of
technical traits, whereas non-diusion maintains technical diversity.
The understanding that technical features can diuse across geo-
graphical or social boundaries (as shown in history, geography, so-
ciology, anthropology) makes the persistence of diversity problematic
because movements of people, objects, ideas will tend to homogenize
material culture, in particular when substantial benets are at stake.
One salient example of this problematic is the non-diusion of the
potters wheel in the Mediterranean for hundreds of years and still
today in several parts of the globe even in highly competitive situations
and despite the advantage of the wheel in terms of time manufacturing
Roux, 2013; Roux and Jera, 2016).
Non-diusion of cultural traits is particular visible at boundaries
between cultural clusters distributed in geographical space.
Ethnoarchaeological and anthropological studies have investigated the
social dimension of these boundaries (e.g. Dietler and Herbich, 1998;
Gosselain, 2002, 2000; Hodder, 1985; Latour and Lemonnier, 1994;
Lemonnier, 1993, 1992; Stark, 1998; Stark et al., 2008; Wiessner,
). They have highlighted that technological traditions have a
tendency to superimpose on social boundaries and to be more resistant
to change than easily transmissible traits such as style (shapes and
decor of objects) (Gallay, 2007; Gelbert, 2003; Gosselain, 2000;
Hegmon, 1998; Mayor, 2010; Roux, 2015; Stark et al., 2000). This
dierence between the two cultural traits has been explained in terms
of learning modalities. Techniques are socially learned and culturally
transmitted (e.g.
Kuhn, 2004; OBrien and Bentley, 2011). Their mas-
tery requires learning through long lasting contacts, generally with
socially close relatives (e.g. Bril, 2002; Gosselain, 2000; Shennan, 2013;
Shennan and Steele, 1999). As a result, the generated population level
pattern links technological traditions with producers social group and
are strong identity markers. Stylistic patterns relate not only to
Received 13 January 2017; Received in revised form 9 September 2017
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (V. Roux).
Jour nal of Anthropological Archaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
Avai l abl e onl i ne 23 Oct ober 2017
0278-4165/ © 2017 Elsevi er Inc . Al l rights reserved.
producers, but also to object and consumers history. Stylistic bound-
aries are therefore more uctuating and their link with social bound-
aries, less marked (David and Kramer, 2001). Since the mechanisms
underlying the diusion and persistence of cultural traits may vary
according to the nature of these traits, each trait should be considered
separately; in this article, only the persistence of technical traits is ex-
In anthropology and sociology, the co-existence of distinct techno-
logical systems, without exchange of traits, has been mainly explicated
in terms of social aliation/ dierentiation. Under the technological
choice approach, at the group level, technical practices are considered
as social facts, made in accordance with social strategies and meanings,
their underlying and embedded representations tting into a wider
symbolic system (Dobres, 2000; Latour and Lemonnier, 1994;
Lemonnier, 1992, 1993). Consequently, at boundaries, they resist the
homogenizing eects of interactions through the process of aliation/
dierentiation. At the individual level, aliation with the group
practicing the same way has been shown to be the result of social
learning which implies a learner and a tutor, with the outcome of
learners practicing the same way than the tutors (
Bril, 2002; Dietler and
Herbich, 1998; Tehrani and Riede, 2008), having preferentially close
ties with them and therefore developing a sense of aliation with the
tutors group (Gosselain, 2011). These studies partially draw on Lave
and Wengers work (Lave and Wenger, 1991) on communities of
practice. The latter are made up of individuals who exert or have ex-
erted together their craft, given or not family relationships; shared
learning process acts as a mechanism of aliation to the group. Under
the evolutionary approach, aliation has been explained by the psy-
chological bias according to which, in marked groups (here technolo-
gically), individuals feel close to individuals who are marked the same
way (McElreath et al., 2003, p. 128). As a consequence of aliation,
individuals tend to conform to the norms of the group, while con-
formism exacerbates dierentiation (Henrich and Boyd, 1998;
Moscovici, 1984
). This combined eect of conformism/ dierentiation
would favor non-borrowing of techniques.
Addressing cultural boundaries, the aliation/dierentiation pro-
cess is thus recognized as particularly cogent to explain why non-dif-
fusion of cultural traits may persist and why it should be stronger at
boundary region as suggested for ethnic di
erentiation (McElreath
al., 2003). In the cultural evolution approach, assumptions are made
using evidence from analytical sociology. Simulation models have
tested the conditions of preservation of cultural diversity. As a rst step,
diversity has been shown to be preserved when dierences between
cultural groups are too large; in these cases there is a preference to
interact with those who are similar, called homophily (Axelrod, 1997).
Going one step further, Flache and Macy (Flache and Macy, 2011) have
recently proposed that diversity and dierentiation between groups is a
result of polarization through the combined eect of long-range and
short-range ties, the former connecting local clusters in the network
that are not directly linked otherwise (Flache and Macy, 2011, p. 147),
the latter describing frequently activated relationships (such as family/
kin ties) (Collar et al., 2015, p. 23). Polarization is dened as the di-
vision of population into a small number of factions with high internal
consensus and sharp disagreement between them (Flache and Macy,
2011, p. 149
). Simulation with an agent-based model shows that, in a
small connected world, polarization occurs when actors who are
connected with a long-range tie are more likely to dier sharply from
each other than are actors connected with a short-range tie (Flache
and Macy, 2011, p. 172). More precisely, long-range ties bridging
otherwise disconnected clusters can promote cultural integration.
However, these long-range ties can have the opposite eect when
homophily is combined with dierentiation. In this case long-range ties
foster cultural polarization rather than integration. In other words, in
well-connected networks, inter-group interactions can promote cultural
integration but not when the dierences between these groups are
higher than the dierences within the group. In this latter case, the
combination of intra- and inter-group interactions promotes aliation/
dierentiation and polarization.
This sociological model could well explain persistence of technolo-
gical boundaries in the past, technological clusters supposedly corre-
lating with social clusters and therefore technological boundaries with
social boundaries. In these conditions, interactions between technolo-
gically marked groups would favor polarization.
In order to test the assumptions and predictions generated by this
theoretical model, we propose to use eld studies and examine the
micro-processes at stake in the non-diusion of techniques: to which
extent techniques contributes to a sharp disagreement between groups
and promote polarization? It will be dealt with following a multilevel
analytical framework aimed at relating the individual level (micro-
level, i.e. the role of techniques in dierentiation), the group level
(meso-level, i.e. the polarization phenomenon), and the cultural his-
torical speci
cs emerging from the later (macro-level, i.e. the persis-
of technological boundaries) (e.g.
Manzo, 2007; Mesoudi, 2007).
The ultimate goal is to provide archaeologists with an empirically
tested model to explain spatial distribution of technological clusters and
maintenance of technological boundaries.
The present research examines ethnographic situations in four
countries (Ethiopia, Cameroon, Ecuador and India) where dierent
social groups live in close geographical proximity and use dierent
ceramic techniques for making utilitarian vessels. Two situations will
enable us to examine the context under which technological boundaries
persist, while two others will enable us to analyze, through a boundary-
making perspective (
Wimmer, 2013), how dierences in craft techni-
ques contribute to polarization. In the four cases, the boundary ceramic
techniques present advantages over each other, thus seriously begging
the question of the non-integrative eect of contacts.
As we shall see, interactions between groups living in close proxi-
mity and using dierent technological standards favor polarization
given negative inuence, namely inuence reinforcing dierentiation
rather than integration. Technological standards are here dened as
specic ways of making specic ranges of vessels and whose trans-
mission over several generations makes them traditions. A cognitive
bias makes that they contribute directly to a sharp dierentiation be-
tween groups. The main consequence of technological polarization is
the failure of technical traits to spread between technologically marked
groups, even when these groups belong to the same social community
as is the case in Ecuador.
2. Technological boundaries
Analysis of the persistence of technological boundaries rst implies
understanding how they are generated and how they may be super-
imposed on social boundaries. Two case studies are examined. They
report on situations where ceramic production is in the hands of dif-
ferent groups of potters living in close geographical proximity and
having contact with each other. Two questionnaires were designed. The
rst one aimed at mapping the pottery traditions (questionnaire on
manufacturing process and range of vessels) of the region, and at re-
cording the identity of the potters, their numbers, the distribution of the
potters villages, their interactions, their knowledge of each others
techniques, as well as the organization of the production and the dis-
tribution of ceramic crafts. The second questionnaire focused on the
learning and transmission process. Full details are not here reported
systematically, only those related to the issue addressed.
2.1. Transmission and technological boundaries
This section examines how the learning and transmission process of
technological standards participate to their reproduction within ones
social group, and as a result, create technologically marked clusters that
superimpose on social boundaries.
Two situations of dierent degrees of complexity are considered in
V. Roux et al.
Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Archaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
order to assess the role of matrimonial alliances in the contour of the
technological boundaries:
One simple situation which involves two ethnic groups and the
transmission of technological standards through women only; it
takes place in Ethiopia.
One complex situation which involves four ethnic groups and the
transmission of technological standards through men and women; it
takes place in Cameroon.
2.1.1. A simple situation: Ethiopia
The Ethiopian case study shows that the learning and transmission
process participates to the superimposition of technological boundaries
on social boundaries despite variability in the modalities of learning.
The investigations have taken place in the Rift Valley, in the
Oromiya region (Fig. 1). This region is inhabited by dierent ethnic
groups (which include the Oromo, Woloyta, Gurage, Sidama, Amhara,
Kambata, and Tigrayan) due to movements of populations in the past
(Freeman and Pankhurst, 2003). Nowadays, pottery is practiced mainly
by two ethnolinguistic groups: the Oromo who speak Afaan Oromo, the
vehicular language in the region, and the Woloyta who, apart from the
vehicular language, speak Woloytania and are migrants having arrived
in the region forty years ago.
The Woloyta and the Oromo are patrilineal (ethnic aliation de-
pends on patrilineal liation), virilocal (living at husbands village) and
exogamous communities although in the potter community studied,
inter-ethnic marriages are rare. Pottery production is a specialized
activity conducted by women exclusively on a domestic scale. It is still a
dynamic activity. It represents the main source of income for the
Woloyta. Their rates of production depend on the season: around 200
vessels per month during the dry season against 80 during the wet
season. Among the Oromo, the rates are more variable because pottery
is not their sole economic revenue, though they are generally high,
particularly among divorced women relying mainly on this revenue.
Two places have been investigated. One is Goljoota, a town in-
cluding 31 Woloyta and 4 Oromo families of potters, out of which 20
Woloyta and 2 Oromo have been interviewed. The other place is a
town, Qarsa, where 30 Oromo families of potters live and out of which
Fig. 1. Map of the Oromiya Region (Ethiopia)
locating the two towns surveyed Goljoota and
Qarsa in the Arsi and West Arsi Zones.
Fig. 2. Vessels made by the Woloyta and the Oromo. Note- On the left, the Woloyta at
dish for cooking bread (called Bashe); on the right, the Oromo cafetiere (called Jabana) to
make coee.
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9 have been interviewed. Qarsa is 45 minutes drive from Goljoota.
Potters from Qarsa regularly go to Goljoota where a large market takes
place several days a week bringing together potters from dierent
places. The Woloyta sell their production directly to the consumers,
whereas the Oromo sell their production both directly (as in Goljoota)
and indirectly, through middlemen who sell their production in several
marketplaces, some as remote as Addis Abeba (200 km from Qarsa).
Woloyta and Oromo make utilitarian vessels. Among them, there are
types which are common to both groups. However, in the markets fre-
quented by both groups, there are types exclusive to each of them and
particularly successful sales-wise: the Woloyta atbread dish, and the
Oromo cafetiere (
Fig. 2). The consumers consider each type to be typical of
each ethnic groupsproductionwhereaspottersthemselvesconsidereach
type to be proper to each group, and to be sold as such on the market.
The manufacturing process diers between these vessels (Figs. 3 and
The making of the Woloyta atbread dish involves the following
operations: modeling by drawing, burnishing, organic coating (on
the inner face successive coating of a red slip and a mix of water
with banana tree roots, on the outer side coating of the edge with
dung). The dung coating, used by the Woloyta, is highly popular
among consumers because it symbolically gives to the pots the value
attributed to cattle.
The making of the Oromo tradition cafetiere involves the following
operations: coiling by drawing, polishing with a polish made out of a
red slip mixed with linseed oil and sometimes post ring carbon
coating (smudging). The polish and the carbon coating give to the
cafetiere a shiny black aspect which makes them very attractive to
the consumers. Smudging is found on di erent types of vessels
(vessels for grilling coee and meat) and is used only by the Oromo.
As a general rule, the Woloyta vessels have the reputation of being
solid, whereas the Oromo vessels have the reputation of being thin and
aesthetic (knowing that slip and smudging aect permeability and
heating eectiveness, but not strength, Longacre et al., 2000).
The learning and transmission process participates directly to the
reproduction of the tradition within each group.
Among the Woloytas, the learning process is pre-marital and the
transmission of the craft takes place within the family. It is mainly
through the mother to the ospring or, in some exceptional
Fig. 3. The Oromo Chaîne opératoire for making
the cafetiere (called jabana). (A) Starting with a
thick coil. (B) Drawing the walls with upward
discontinuous pressures. (C) Shaping by scraping
with a bone spatula. (D) Closing the bottom. (E)
Adding a coil for making the shoulder of the ca-
fetiere. (F) Shaping the shoulder. (G) Adding a
coil for making the neck. (H) Shaping the neck. (I)
After nishing the neck, attaching the handle. (J)
Incising decors with a comb on wet surfaces. (K)
Coating the Jabana with a polish made out of red
clay slip mixed with water and vegetable oil or
diesel. (L) Open ring; combustible includes
wood, twigs and dried dung. (M) Coating the
outer surface with carbon by smoking it out; this
is done by plunging the hot cafetiere into straw.
Vertical transmission: from parents to osprings; oblique transmission: from in-
stitutions or adults others than parents to children; horizontal transmission: within gen-
eration (Berry et al., 2002).
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cases, oblique, from the aunt (when living as a child with her) or the
mother-in-law (when married as a child). According to this process, the
Woloyta girls are taught the Woloyta tradition and only this tradition.
The learning process encompasses several stages. It starts early by
playing and observing informally the adults, followed at the age of 811
by their involvement in the preparation of the clay material and the
nishing operations, and at 12 by their learning of the fashioning
process. Responsibility for sales and ring comes once married. Be-
coming an accomplished artisan is said to require 68 years.
Among the Oromos, when the learning process is pre-marital, the
transmission of the craft takes place within the family and is vertical or
oblique. However, half of the interviewed potters were not born in a
potters family and did not marry a potter. They learnt the pottery from
family or neighbors, often after marriage, but always from the Oromo
group. More precisely, until recently pottery was practiced exclusively
by one of the Oromo clans and relatively in secret. Therefore, the ones
who decided to learn the craft in order to improve their revenues
started in secret by watching their neighbors, or their relatives who had
learned from watching their neighbors. The pre-marital learning fol-
lows the same steps as described for the Woloyta. The post-marital
learning occurs over shorter periods with the apprenticeship starting
directly at the fashioning stage.
The dierences in the learning process between Woloyta and
Oromo, -whether pre- or post-marital, within or outside the family,
vertical, oblique or horizontal -, illuminate the fact that these do not
play on the transmission process: whatever the modalities of the
learning process, it takes place within the learners social group which
favors the reproduction of the tradition within each social group. As a
result, in the Oromiya region, the technological traditions reect the
ethnic aliation of the potter, whether the tutor is from the family or
from the social group in the case of non-potters families, technological
boundaries conforming then to social boundaries.
2.1.2. A complex situation: Cameroon
In contrast, the Cameroon case study indicates inter-ethnic alliances
between potters families. The learning and transmission process ex-
plains that in all cases technological boundaries mirror distinct social
learning networks related, not to the potters ethnic group, but to the
tutors ethnic liation.
The investigations have taken place in the Tikar plain (North-West
of Cameroon) (Fig. 5). This region is nowadays inhabited by eleven
dierent ethnic groups given numerous movements of populations in
the past (
Blench, 1993; Williamson, 1971). Pottery is still practiced but
as a minor secondary activity - ceramic production taking place only
4 months a year. It comes mainly as a complement to other economic
activities, chiey agriculture. The demand is for storage pots for liquids
Fig. 4. The Woloyta Chaîne opératoire for making
the atbread dish (called bashe). (A) Mixing of
clay. (B) Modeling from a lump of clay by hor-
izontal drawing. (C) Addition of clay in the centre
of the dish. (D) Shaping the rim with continuous
pressures. (E) The dish after shaping. (F) Shaving
the outer surface with a metal knife. (G)
Smoothing the inner face with a piece of cloth
soaked in water. (H) Sun drying before pre-ring.
(I) Burnishing the inner face with a small pebble
for facilitating the adherence of coatings. (J) Pre-
ring. (K) Open ring; combustible includes wood
and straw. (L) Coating the inner face with a red
slip. (M) Coating the inner face with a mixture of
water and Abyssinian banana tree roots. (N)
Coating the edge of the dish with animal dung.
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(water) and solids (our, grains, meat, medicines, and spices), very
rarely for cooking pots. The potters are specialized and carry out their
activity on a domestic scale. They sell or exchange their products di-
rectly to consumers, either in villages or at markets, rarely through
intermediary salespersons.
All in all, 21 potters were interviewed (
Table 1). They live in nine
dierent villages, all located along the main road over a 30 km distance
Fig. 5). The potters are between 40 and 77 years old with an average of
61 years. They are the remaining present-day community of the potters
of the region. The rate of production varies between ethnic groups. It is
medium (between 10 and 20 vessels per week, 4 months a year) or low
(less than 10 vessels per week, 4 months a year).
The potters of the Tikar plain belong to six ethnic groups: Yamba,
Mambila, Tikar, Kwanja, Tumu and Bamiléké, though, as we shall see,
they were taught their craft from tutors of Yamba, Mambila, Tikar and
Tumu liation only. These groups are organized in lineages, each car-
rying the name of the founding ancestor. They are exogamous, patri-
lineal, patrilocal or virilocal (living at fathers village for men, and at
husbands village for women). From a linguistic point of view, they are
divided between the Ubangian languages (Tikar), belonging to the
Niger-Congo family, and the Bantoïdes languages (Yamba, Bamiléké)
that encompass the Eastern and Grasseld Mambiloïdes languages
(Mambila, Kwanja, Tumu). Alongside these local languages, there is a
lingua franca namely the Fula or Fulfulbé, which had spread by the
mid-19 th century with the arrival of the Fulani herdsmen and the
spread of the Islamic religion.
The main salient technical features dierentiating the main tech-
nological traditions practiced in the Tikar plain are the clay processing
and the forming technique. Four forming techniques are used (de-
scribed in detail in Gosselain, 2002)(Fig. 6).
1. Modeling by pinching, abbreviated Mp (also called pinching). A
clay mass is transformed into a hollow volume by punctual dis-
continuous digital pressures.
2. Coiling by pinching, abbreviated Cp (also called coiling by vertical
superposition). Coils are superimposed on top of each other and
joined by punctual discontinuous digital pressures.
3. Coiling by spreading, abbreviated Cs (also called coiling by internal
apposition). Short coils are placed against the inner wall and
spread in a discontinuous horizontal translation movement.
4. Modeling by drawing, abbreviated Md (also called drawing from a
lump of clay). Clay mass is transformed in a hollow volume by
vertical upwards discontinuous inter-digital pressures.
Each forming technique is performed traditionally by a separate
ethnic group. Modeling by pinching is practiced by Yamba men, coiling
Fig. 5. Map of the Tikar plain (Cameroon) lo-
cating the nine villages surveyed.
Table 1
Subjects interviewed in the Tikar Plain (Cameroon) distributed per village, ethnic group
(husbandsaliation), technological tradition, age and sex.
Village Ethnic group Tradition Age Subjects Sex
Bankim Kwanja T4 76 ELH-4 F
Bankim Tikar T3 55 ELG-3 F
Bankim Tikar T4 55 MAD-4 F
Bankim Tikar T4 68 MAR-4 F
Bankim Tikar T3 65 MAM-3 F
Bankim Tikar T4 65 VIC-4 F
Dicki Yamba T1 77 MOU-1 M
Kinguizom Mambila T2 59 HAD-2 F
Kinguizom Mambila T2 56 FAT-2 F
Kinguizom Mambila T2 46 MAE-2 F
Lam Yamba T2 50 MAY-2 F
Mbéto Tikar T3 62 YVO-3 F
Mbéto Yamba T1 68 HAM-1 M
Mgbanji Tikar T3 40 CHR-3 F
Mvou Mambila T2 71 LEC-2 F
Nyamboya Mambila T4 63 HAB-4 F
Nyamboya Mambila T4 70 TOB-4 F
Nyamboya Mambila T2 60 MAIM-2 F
Tiké Mambila T2 57 FAN-2 F
Tiké Mambila T2 62 FAA-2 F
Tiké Yamba T2 73 SAB-2 F
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by pinching is practiced by Mambila women and men, coiling by
spreading by Tikar women and men, and modeling by drawing is
practiced by Tumu liation women. These forming techniques are dif-
ferent in terms of skills and time manufacturing. The Cp is the slowest
one and the Md and the Cs the fastest (Fig. 7). The Md is of particular
interest because it is practiced by a higher number of potters than Cs,
which could have been a factor in favor of a positive inuence for its
borrowing. This applies, in particular, to the Mambila who have the
highest rate of production and at the same time the slowest forming
technique (Cp).
Regarding the clay processing, three dierent recipes are used de-
pending also on the ethnic groups: the Mambila use one clay material
only, the Tikar and the Tumu mix two clay materials, and the Yamba
mix clay material with termite mound earth.
Two situations of craft transmission were encountered: either the
craft is practiced within the family and the transmission is vertical,
from parents to ospring (children or grand-children), or the craft is not
practiced in the family and the transmission is horizontal, done at the
post-marital stage by members of the family in-law.
When the craft is practiced within the family the tendency is that
the ospring practices the tradition taught by the tutor who can be the
mother or the father. As an example, Tumu women who perform the
Md, married men from dierent ethnic groups: three married Tikar, one
married a Kwanja, two other ones Mambila. In these dierent cases,
whoever they married, they kept teaching the Md to their children. As a
result, Md is practiced in dierent ethnic groups (Tikar, Kwanja,
Mambila, Bamiléké). In this region at least (Md has a wide expansion in
West Africa and its diusion may have followed dierent modalities
Fig. 6. The four forming techniques used in the Tikar plain.
(A) Modeling by pinching (Mp, Yamba). (B) Coiling by
pinching (Cp, Mambila). (C) Coiling by spreading (Cs,
Tikar). (D) Modeling by drawing (Md, Tumu).
Fig. 7. Manufacturing time per pot depending on forming techniques. The potters made 6 pots of similar size for three dierent shapes. N1 is a common shape. N23 and N19 are two
unusual shapes with dierent ratios H/DM corresponding to dierent degrees of diculty. Coiling by spreading (Cs) and modeling by drawing (Md) are faster than coiling by pinching
(Cp) and modeling by pinching (Mp).
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which are not discussed here), Md remains thus strongly tied with the
Tumu liation as shown by its transmission over more than three
When there are two tutors, the mother and the father,
originating from two dierent ethnic groups and therefore using dif-
ferent pottery techniques, the two techniques can be taught succes-
sively and one individual can practice two traditions. This is rare but it
can happen during one life time. In this case, however, only one tra-
dition is taught to the next generation, usually the tradition taught rst.
For example, one woman learnt pottery rst from her grand-mother
who was Tumu (Md), and second from her grand-father who was Tikar
(Cs) (when she was 15 years old). After marrying a Tikar who was not a
potter, she taught only the Tumu technique (Md) to her children (three
daughters and one son). In the same way, there are cases where one
subject is taught the craft before marriage and arrives in a new family
where another tradition is practiced. The subject then may come to
learn two traditions. However, when it comes to teaching the ospring,
only one tradition is taught. This is a case of a Bamiléké woman whose
mother was Tumu and who was taught the Md. She married a Mambila
who was a potter practicing the Cp; the potter taught her his tradition
so that she could help him. However, she taught her daughter (Mambila
by her father) the Md and when her husband died, she abandoned the
Cp denitely.
When women originate from families who are not potters or who pass
the craft on to men only, they are taught the craft after marriage by the in-
laws. The technique they practice corresponds then to their in-laws tra-
dition. Thus a Yamba woman had not been taught the craft because,
among the Yamba, pottery-making is a male activity. When she married a
Mambila, she learnt the Cp (Mambila) which she passed on her ospring.
In summary, and in line with Gosselains observations (2000), in the
Tikar plain, the technological traditions reect, as a general rule, the
ethnic liation of the tutor, knowing that the tutor can be the mother,
the grand-mother, the father, the grand-father, or the in-laws in the case
of post-marital learning, and knowing also that the tutor and the learner
can be aliated to dierent ethnic groups (in the case of inter-ethnic
marriages). In general, the tutors teach the technique they were taught
initially, and not the technique they might have learned later in the
course of their life. This tendency points to the importance of the
learning process in the transmission of the tradition. According to this
process the potter progressively integrates the knowledge and the skills
involved in the making of the vessels taught by his (her) tutor. At the
end of the learning process, the technological standards proper to his
(her) tutors group are deeply embodied as suggested by the Tumu
potters who keep transmitting the initial technique they learnt despite
marriages with men practicing other techniques and children whose
ethnic aliation depends on the fathersaliation.
To conclude, the examples of Cameroon and Ethiopia show well that
because learners learn from tutors, and because tutors are always se-
lected from close social circles, technological traditions are perpetuated
within circumscribed social circles, delimiting technological clusters
made up of socially close individuals.
2.2. Interactions and technological boundaries
The conditions under which technological boundaries persist and tech-
nological traits do not diuse can be dened in terms of connectedness and
interactions between the potters located within and on either side of the
technological boundaries. As we shall see, connectedness within each ethnic
group is strong, while degrees of interactions between ethnic groups vary
depending on regions, Ethiopia or Cameroon.
2.2.1. Ethiopia
In Goljoota, the Woloyta know each other well. They are all related
by blood ties or marriage (they are distributed between four main fa-
milies). Moreover they are neighbors, living in houses located in the
same neighborhood along the same route. In this regard, they represent
a tightly interconnected cluster of potters sharing family relationships
and located in the same area of space. They interact on a daily basis,
though they say that they do not exchange information about their craft
and do not buy from each other.
In Qarsa, the Oromo are less related through blood ties or marriage.
They live in scattered houses. However, they are not isolated. They
have developed friendship relationships and often meet in everyday
spaces (streets and elds) and
through the meetings of two existing
cooperative (aimed at helping families in need). They buy vessels from
each other (the types they do not make they buy directly at each others
homes or on the market). They talk to each other about their craft,
mainly for discussing sources of clay rather than forming or nishing
techniques. In this regard, even though the Oromo potters are not
connected by family relationships they are still tightly connected by
social and friendly relationships.
Regarding interactions between the Woloyta and the Oromo, the two
groups are in contact on a regular basis in the local markets. The market is a
public space where they meet a few times a week (Fig. 8). They stand at
distinct places. They talk to each other but rather briey. They mainly talk
about the sales or when asking for change. In some cases, Oromo would
question the Woloyta about their techniques. But as a general rule, they do
not discuss their craft. They can buy from each other. Besides, Woloyta and
Oromo are neighbors in Goljoota. They have friendly relationships, they
visit each other and casually discuss over a cup of coee.
These interactions explain that Woloyta and Oromo know each
others productions well as shown also by their capacity to recognize
who manufactured what when we showed them photographs of the
dierent types of vessels made by both groups. When asked about not
copying stylistic and technical traits from each other in order to im-
prove their revenues, Woloyta and Oromo give the same sorts of ex-
planations (technical [our raw material will be inappropriate; our techni-
ques are better for what we do; we do not have the knowledge],
organizational [our working organization is not the same and therefore we
cannot do the same way than the others] and economic [consumer prefer
the original to the copy; it will take too much time to make them]) justifying
the pointlessness of borrowing.
In summary, in the Oromiya region, potters from each ethnic group
entertain close relationships, given family or social ties. In contrast, the
connections between the two ethnic groups are rather loose. However,
they do exist and imply that each group is well acquainted with each
others ceramic production and technological features.
2.2.2. Cameroon
In the Tikar plain, the general situation is that all the potters are
connected to each other, either directly or indirectly, thus being aware of
each others technological traditions. These interactions are based on fa-
mily ties (blood ties or marriage) or on friendly and social relationships.
Family ties are met within each ethnic group. Friendly and social
relationships are encountered within and between the ethnic groups. In
the latter case, they are visible in the sharing of clay sources and dec-
oration tools. Interestingly, the pattern of connections does not privilege
links at the group level (intra-group interactions) or at the technological
tradition level (intra-tradition interactions) as we shall see with the ex-
ample of the interactions between the potters practicing the Md tech-
nique, - the fastest forming technique and therefore, the technique likely
to be borrowed -, and the other potters using slow forming techniques.
The large majority of the potters practicing the Md live in the same
village, Bankim (4 out of 6). Among them, MAR-Md
has regular direct
As an example, a Tumu woman married a Kwanja (not a potter); she taught her
daughter the Md who also married a Kwanja (not a potter) and who taught her children
the Md in turn (2 daughters and one son).
Abbreviation of the rst name followed by the abbreviation of the technique used.
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Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Ar chaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
interactions with potters using the Md, the Cs and the Cp forming
techniques. Her professional and friendly interactions are mainly with
EHL-Md and MAM-Cs living in Bankim, and FAN-Cp and SAB-Cp living
in Tiké; these occur when these potters visit each others homes and
collect the clay material on MAR-Mds land. MAR-Md is also connected
directly with MAY-Cp, living in Lam, with whom she exchanges dec-
oration tools (roulettes) and with MAD-Md, VIC-Md, and ELG-Cs,
three co-wives living in Bankim and who are neighbors. HAB-Md, from
Nyamboya, has also direct interactions with Cp potters among whom
MAY-Cp, collecting clay on her land, and MAIM-Cp who is a neighbor.
Furthermore, indirect interactions between potters using the Md
and the other potters exist through the Cp potters who have direct in-
teractions on the one side with Md potters and, on the other side with
most of the Mp and Cp potters. This is the case of SAB-Cp, from Tiké,
who has direct interactions with MAR-Md and informs most of the
potters about clay sources (FAN-Cp, FAA-Cp and SUZ-Cp her daughters;
FAT-Cp, MAE-Cp and HAD-Cp, from the same household in Konguizom;
LEC-Cp, from Mvou; and MOU-Mp, from Dicki). This is also the case
with Cs potters who have both interactions with Md, Cs and Mp potters
(MAM-Cs, a close friend of MAR-Md, is YVO-Css sister, living in Mbéto
and in close interactions, either for clay or decoration tool sharing, with
HAM-Mp, a neighbor).
In summary, in the Tikar plain, there are strong interactions on the
one hand between the potters belonging to the same ethnic group given
family ties, and on the other hand between the potters belonging to
dierent ethnic groups given friendly and social relationships.
2.3. Cognitive correlations and technological boundaries
In the previous examples, the groups of potters dier socially and in
their craft. In the polarization issue, one of the questions is about the
features participating to both a high consensus within the groups and a
sharp disagreement between them. Social origin is one. Technological
standard is another one that we propose now to examine in the light of
human cognitive limitations. The cognitive limitation considered here
is the one in which individuals use a covariation principle to assess
causality. The covariation principle states that if event A accom-
panies outcome B, and if event A is absent when outcome B is absent,
then people tend to attribute A as the cause of B (Carley, 2001, p. 181;
Kelley, 1967, 1973). According to this principle, if technique A ac-
companies product B, and if technique A is absent when product B is
absent, then people may tend to attribute technique A as the cause of
product B, or product B as the cause of technique A.
As we shall see, this cognition principle has major repercussions,
among which polarization even within a same social group. This will be
rst exemplied by a case study in Ecuador where ethnographic in-
vestigations were conducted according to the same questionnaires de-
signed for Ethiopia and Cameroon. A second case study in India will
enable us to explain how this covariation principle comes into play
when technological standards are used by dierent social groups.
2.3.1. Ecuador
The situation in Ecuador is a case in point because it shows that, all
other things being equal, technological standards have contributed di-
rectly to polarization.
The case study takes place in the canton of San Miguel de Porotos
(south of the Cañar province) (
Fig. 9). This region is inhabited by
potters who are of indigenous origin (cañari) and speak Spanish, but
whose parents or grandparents used to speak Quichua (language of pre-
Hispanic origin related to the Quechua of Peru). Pottery is a specialized
activity conducted by women or men on a domestic scale during half of
the year (
Sjöman, 1992). It is a source of income in addition to agri-
The potters
eleven houses in the canton of San Miguel de Porotos
distributed between three hamlets: Pacchapamba (5 potters), Chico
Ingapirca (3 potters) and San Juan Bosco (3 potters). Nine potters were
interviewed (Table 2). In each hamlet transmission is vertical, from
parents to their ospring.
The three hamlets are separated by only a few hundred meters
(1020 min walking distance). Each hamlet is home to families who
have no kinship ties; whereas members of a same family or members
with strong ties can be living in dierent hamlets (example of one fa-
mily whose members live in San Juan Bosco and in Chico Ingapirca;
example of a godfather living in Chico Ingapirca and his godchild in
Regarding ceramic production, the potters from Pacchapamba and
San Juan Bosco are specialized in the manufacture of utilitarian wares
(cooking pots, jars, tortilla dishes), whereas the potters from Chico
Fig. 8. Woloyta and Oromo potters meeting regularly in
market places (market of Goljoota Arsi Zone, Oromiya
Region). (A) In the foreground the Oromo Potters, in the
background the Woloyta Potters. (B) In the foreground the
Woloyta Potters, in the background the Oromo Potters.
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Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Ar chaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
Ingapirca are specialized in ornamental or specialized wares (birthday
pots, plates for ower pots). The annual production is slightly lower in
Pacchapamba (550 items a year against 750 in San Juan Bosco and
Chico Ingapirca).
Now, in the canton of San Miguel de Porotos three open ring
structures coexist: open ring in Pacchapamba, walled ring in San
Juan Bosco and kiln in Chico Ingapirca (
Fig. 10). The kiln presents
objective advantages when considered in terms of thermal performance
characteristics - maximum temperature achieved, temperature varia-
tion within the kiln load and control of the rate of temperature increase
and in terms of control of ring atmosphere - protecting the load from
gusts of wind and reducing the incidence of re clouds in oxidized
pottery kilns (Arnold, 1991; Pool, 2000; Rice, 1984). The kiln presents
also advantages in terms of combustible and working hours (Table 3).
The presence of the kiln in Chico Ingapirca has been attested for a
long time. There is no memory of its introduction. On the basis of oral
narratives the kiln was already used in the sixties by the three house-
holds of potters who were then in activity.
The potters of Pacchapamba and San Juan Bosco never borrowed
the kiln because at rst they say that the open or the walled ring is
their method, that it works well and therefore that they have no interest
in changing it. But they also give other reasons (technical, organiza-
tional and economic) among which the more frequent is that the kiln is
appropriate only for decorative items and inappropriate for utilitarian
As potters say: The kiln is used by Francisco whose production is
famous and dierent from ours; we do not make the same items and
therefore we do not need the kiln (a potter from San Juan Bosco); or
Kilns are for potters who make special items like the decorated g-
urines made by Francisco or the birthday vessels made by Edelina
(a potter from Pacchapamba); or Our pots are well red, with a nice
color and sell well (a potter from San Juan Bosco).
With reference to the co-variation principle, these explanations
given for the non-borrowing of the kiln highlight that the potters make
a strong cognitive correlation between the ring structures and the
products to be red: they link the kiln with the ring of decorative
items and no other items than these ones. Inter-marriages between
hamlets are particularly telling examples of this cognitive correlation.
Thus, two potters of San Juan Bosco married men of Chico Ingapirca.
When they moved there, they left behind the walled ring and adopted
the kiln along with the manufacture of small decorative items under the
guidance of the mother-in-law. They never made any more big vessels
because, as they say, the kiln is for
ring small items only. Another
is provided by a woman from Pacchapamba who married a
man from Chico Ingapirca and then adopted the kiln along with the
manufacture of small decorative items. When her husband died, she
returned to Pacchapamba, gave up the kiln and the small decorative
item production, and used open ring again which she liked better
because, as she said, it allows her to re bigger vessels.
As a result of this cognitive correlation, technological boundaries
were formed dierentiating the three hamlets: the kiln is found only in
Chico Ingapirca and is used to re decorative items only; open ring
and walled ring are found respectively in Pacchapamba and San Juan
Bosco and are used to re utilitarian vessels only.
In summary, in San Miguel de Porotos, at rst the three hamlets
were making the same types of vessels that they re using two ring
structures (the story of the walled ring is not known). Then, in the
course of adopting the kiln the kiln users specialized in the production
of specic types of objects. As a consequence of the principle of ra-
tionality favoring correlations between techniques and nished pro-
duct, groups with no family tie got formed, each of them using dierent
technological standards. These dierences in technological standards
have divided the potters into three groups, fostering polarization to the
extent that on the one hand the kiln has not been borrowed despite its
advantages over the open and walled rings, on the other hand potters
of San Miguel do not feel they belong to the same community, as shown
Fig. 9. Location map of San Miguel de Porotos (Ecuador).
Table 2
Subjects interviewed in the three hamlets of the canton of San Miguel de Porotos
Hamlet Family Subjects
Pacchapamba Pérez Zimbaña María Pérez
María Zimbaña (Marías daughter)
Fernández Margarita Fernández
María Fernández (Margaritas sister)
Chico Ingapirca Suquinagua Edelina Suquinagua
Inga Francisco Inga (Godfather of
Margaritas son)
San Juan Bosco Maríana Inga (Franciscos sister)
Teolinda Tenenpohuay
Remigio Gonzalez (Teolindas son-in-
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Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Ar chaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
by their refusal to form an association which required a minimum of ten
potters and which would have helped them in increasing their sales.
2.3.2. India
The case study in India (North West India, Bulandshar district,
Fig. 11) illustrates not only the intrinsic value of technological stan-
dards in the polarization process, but also how this process integrates
progressively social dierentiation. The principle of rationality corre-
lates, in this case, potters tools and preforming techniques and potters
tools and social groups.
The ethnographic situation has already been described elsewhere
Roux, 2013). The craft production is distributed between Muslim and
Hindu potters, two endogamous groups (Kramer, 1991) who live in the
same villages or in dierent villages. Each of them uses dierent
technological systems which present strong dierences in terms of cost
and benet. The Muslim potters use the foot wheel, the kiln and glaze;
the Hindu potters use the y wheel, the open ring and do not glaze
their vessels. Like the kiln as opposed to open ring, the foot wheel
presents clear advantages over the y wheel. The foot wheel is operated
with the foot and enables the control of the speed all throughout the
forming process. In contrast, the y wheel is launched with a stick and
the speed of the y wheel cannot be controlled. It decreases progres-
sively once launched. As for the glazing technique, it is mainly applied
on cooking pots, which are then less permeable and have better thermal
properties than the unglazed ones. However, neither the kiln, nor the
foot wheel and glaze have ever been borrowed by the Hindu commu-
nity, except for a few cases not discussed here. This is all the more
noticeable since Hindu potters interact regularly with Muslim potters in
a professional (sharing customer orders) and friendly framework (vis-
iting each other), and therefore know well the Muslim techniques (they
could draw the Muslim kiln and explain how it works).
In order to investigate how technological dierences enhanced po-
larization we interviewed 50 Hindu and Muslim male and female
teenagers of dierent age groups (from 8 to 19 years old) living in nine
dierent villages (30 male teenager potters including 17 Hindus and 13
Muslims; 20 female teenager potters, including 9 Hindus and 11
Muslims, Table 4). The interviews included questions about manu-
facturing process, properties of the techniques and tools, technological
system used by the other group, advantages or disadvantages of each
technological system, and at last who uses which system. For this
purpose, the subjects were shown photographs of each communitys
Fig. 10. Firing structures in San Miguel de Porotos. (A)
Open ring. (B) Vertical updraft kiln. (C) Walled ring.
Table 3
Comparative costs between kiln, open ring and walled ring in Ecuador (in 2014).
Capacity (100
Fuel Working hours to
prepare the ring
Cost of
the kiln
Kiln 1 bundle of wood and 6
muleloads of straw
2 410 $
Open ring 7 muleloads of wood and 20
muleloads of straw/
eucalyptus leaf
Walled ring 5 muleloads of wood and 3
muleloads of straw
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instruments so that they could make precise comments (Fig. 12). We
will focus on the comments given about the potters wheels. Two main
results obtain: (a) cognitive correlations evolve depending on ones
experience and contribute progressively to link technique and social
group; (b) interactions between actors using dierent techniques are
necessary for correlation between technique and social group.
The rst result reports on the correlation between instruments and
nished products, and between instruments and preforming techniques.
We asked the male potters (30) about the dierences between the y
wheel and the foot wheel. Out of 30 subjects (13 Muslims and 17
Hindus), 24 knew about both instruments, 13 Muslims and 11 Hindus.
When they knew, they could attribute each instrument to each com-
In the Muslim community, when asked about the advantages of the
foot wheel over the y wheel, 6 out of 13 indicated that the foot wheel
is good for big vessels, and the y wheel for small vessels only. They
include three boys aged 1011 from Shirkapur and Jahangirabad where
both communities are settled and the Hindu potters specialized in the
making of small vessels; and three teenagers aged between 15 and 18
from Gesupur, Aurangabad and Mirzapur. The two latter villages are
inhabited by Muslim potters only, but the teenagers had seen Hindu
potters from Bulansdshar (a nearby town) specialized also in the
making of small vessels. The Muslim teenagers who did not correlate
the wheel with specic nished products considered the y wheel not
as good as the foot wheel because it could not be operated with the foot,
it needed to be restarted every time the rotation slows down or it might
be tiring for the arms.
In the Hindu community (11), one potter (17 years old) correlated
the y wheel with small vessels and the foot wheel with big vessels; he
is from Shirkapur where the Muslim potters make bigger vessels than
the Hindus. Another (18 years old) correlated the foot wheel with the
throwing of big lumps of clay. He is from Nagara where the Hindu
potters make a wide range of vessels and are not specialized in small
vessels. These two Hindu potters have never seen the foot wheel but
have heard of it. Seven others, who are younger, estimated that the foot
wheel was not as good as theirs because it was operated with the foot
which might be tiring. Two older ones estimated that the use of the foot
wheel would bring them bad luck because the wheel is the chakra of
Vishnu and should not be touched with the foot.
In addition, we asked a few Hindu senior potters why they did not
adopt the foot wheel. The majority of them outlined that the ywheel is
very well suited for what they produce, namely thick vessels whose
body is then paddled and can reach up to 50 liters capacity. In contrast
they said that the Muslim potters throw thinner vessels whose body is
not paddled but whose bottom is pounded, and therefore require a more
stable wheel. In other words, senior potters correlate the type of wheel
and the nished products under the rational explanation that the y
wheel is good for thick vessels and the foot wheel is good for thin
vessels because the y wheel is less stable and therefore less appro-
priate to throw thin vessels. There are also senior potters who invoked
that foot wheels were not good instruments because wheels should not
be touched with the foot.
From these answers, it can be seen that the young teenagers explain
the dierences of properties of the two instruments either in terms of
the skills they require (with the foot, with the arm), or in terms of the
type of vessels made by each community. The answers given by the
Hindu seniors correlate the instruments with the preforming techniques
(paddling versus pounding): in their words, paddling require thick
vessels whose throwing needs less stability than thin pounded vessels.
Paddling is a preforming technique used by the Hindus, pounding by
the Muslims. In this regard, the fashioning chaînes opératoires di
entiate both
groups with the result that, given the principle of ration-
ality, the two groups perceive the properties of their instruments in the
light of these chaînes opératoires, and only these.
These results highlight that perception of the properties of the tools
is constructed in the course of learning but is not taught as shown by the
teenagers answers which focus on correlations between tools and body
postures or between tools and nished products. Only seniors propose
correlations between tools and chaînes opératoires. Only the older
teenagers and seniors attribute a symbolic value to their wheel. This
shows on the one hand how the cognitive bias is exerted depending on
ones experience and ones age, how then it inuences the perception of
a techniques properties and how, eventually, it disfavors transfers of
techniques from one technological system to the other. On the other
hand, it shows that correlations between tools/techniques and social
groups is not straightforward; the explicit correlation is mainly between
nished products and social groups (they are the Hindus versus the
Muslim who make small versus big vessels); in this regard, it does not
play directly on the perception of the properties of the techniques; it
comes after to enhance dierentiation between both technological
systems (in our group, we do like that as opposed to in their group,
they do like that).
Fig. 11. Location map of the villages surveyed in
Bulandshar district (Uttar Pradesh, NW India).
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Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Ar chaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
The second result indicates that the individuals who do not have
interactions with the other community do not know about the others
technological system. This is the case of most of the girls who know
about the whole manufacturing process which takes place within the
household and in which they participate (helping in clay preparation,
painting and ring the vessels), but who are not used to leaving their
neighbourhood and therefore are not exposed to other ways of working
Fig. 13). This is also the case of six Hindu potters (out of 17; they are
10, 12, 15, 17 and 19 years old) who are not involved in pottery sales.
Consequently, they do not know who uses what and therefore do not
make any correlation between the instruments and the nished pro-
ducts or the social groups. In contrast, all the Muslim potters knew
about both technological systems because, unlike the Hindus, they have
all been involved in the craft since childhood, accompanying their fa-
ther to sell or buy the pots, preferring, as a general rule, to learn pottery
rather than to go to school. In brief, it is not enough to belong to the
same village and have parents socializing with each others commu-
nities, one also has to interact, directly or indirectly, for dierentiation
to develop.
3. Discussion
We started by raising the question of persisting technological
boundaries and diversity on the basis of ethnographic cases. These cases
include social groups who use techniques presenting dierent proper-
ties in terms of cost and benets.
3.1. Context of persisting technological boundaries
At rst, data from Ethiopia and Cameroon illustrate how technolo-
gical boundaries get formed and are superimposed on social bound-
aries. In both cases the learning and transmission process explains that
craft learning requires a tutor, and that the tutor is always selected
within ones social group. Comparison between both countries shows
that this process of the tutors selection within ones group occurs
whatever the learning modalities (pre- vs. post-marital), the potters
gender (male vs. female) or the matrimonial alliances (alliances be-
tween technologically marked groups). As a result, technological tra-
ditions reect social groups and technological boundaries conform to
social boundaries, i.e. the tutors social group boundaries, or put it
another way the learning network boundaries. The conformity between
technological boundaries and learning networks has been acknowl-
edged for some time now and explains why in archaeology technolo-
gical traditions are cogent proxies to identify past social groups (e.g.
Bowser and Patton, 2008; Dietler and Herbich, 1998; Gosselain, 2000;
Hegmon, 1998; Herbich, 1987; Longacre, 1991; Stark et al., 2000) and
why they can be regarded as coherent units amenable to evolutionary
analyses (e.g., implying a phylogenetic link between cultural groups)
(Manem, 2008; Shennan, 2013; Shennan et al., 2015).
As a second step, the context into which technological boundaries
persist has been dened in terms of connectedness and interactions
between the potters located within and on either side of the technolo-
gical boundaries. Data show that technological boundaries persist in a
context where the dierent groups interact on a regular basis, no matter
the nature of the interactions, distant (Ethiopia) or close (Cameroon), or
the nature of the ties within each group, social (Ethiopia) or family
(Cameroon) relationships. We add that the persistence of technological
boundaries takes place in two dierent demographic situations. In
Ethiopia, pottery activity is still very alive and potters are numerous.
On the contrary, in Cameroon, pottery activity is dying and potters are
very few in number.
3.2. Technological standards as di
erentiation markers
As a
third step, we took a boundary-making perspective in order to
assess better the polarizing eect of interactions between groups using
Table 4
Subjects interviewed in India distributed per village, caste, sex and age.
Village Caste Sex Age
Aurangabad MK M 16
Aurangabad MK M 12
Aurangabad MK M 12
Aurangabad MK M 10
Dibai MK M 16
Dibai MK M 12
Dibai PR M 13
Dibai PR M 12
Dibai PR M 10
Gesupur MK F 19
Gesupur MK F 9
Gesupur MK M 15
Gesupur MK M 8
Gesupur PR F 12
Gesupur PR M 12
Gulaothi MK F 15
Gulaothi MK F 10
Gulaothi MK M 14
Jahangirabad MK F 19
Jahangirabad MK F 15
Jahangirabad MK F 14
Jahangirabad MK F 11
Jahangirabad MK M 11
Jahangirabad MK M 11
Jahangirabad PR F 15
Jahangirabad PR M 15
Jahangirabad PR M 14
Jahangirabad PR M 11
Jahangirabad PR M 11
Jahangirabad PR M 9
Jahangirabad PR M 9
Mirzapur MK F 10
Mirzapur MK M 18
Nagada PR F 15
Nagada PR M 18
Nagada PR M 18
Shikarpur MK M 10
Shikarpur PR F 19
Shikarpur PR F 15
Shikarpur PR M 19
Shirkapur PR F 18
Shirkapur PR F 18
Shirkapur PR F 14
Shirkapur PR F 10
Shirkapur PR F 9
Shirkapur PR M 17
Siyana PR F 9
Siyana PR M 15
Siyana PR M 15
Siyana PR M 10
Fig. 12. Young potters commenting on photographs showing Muslim and Hindu kilns.
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Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Ar chaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
dierent technological standards.
Our data show that technological standards participate in polar-
ization given rst a cognitive bias correlating techniques and nished
products. In Ecuador, this cognitive bias makes that the kiln is attrib-
uted to small decorative items and the open ring to big vessels. The
case of Ecuador is not an isolated one. In India, it has been observed too
that the covariation principle linking nished products and kiln inu-
ences the potters perception of the functional properties of the ring
structures. Thus, in the region of Jodhpur, in the town of Pachpadra
inhabited by Hindu potters, the kiln was introduced in 1998 to make
small glazed items and capture a new market (Roux and Gabriellini,
2016). The kiln was built in the house of one of the potters involved in
the project. But the latter failed. It took then seven years for the potter
to think enlarging the kiln and using it for ring his own production
composed of plain utilitarian vessels. For seven years, he perceived the
kiln as only good for ring small glazed items. The inuence of the
nished product in the perception of the properties of the kiln has also
been observed in two other Indian places (Roux and Lara, 2016 ). In one
of them (Jahangirabad, Bulandshar dist.), a few Hindu families use the
kiln for big vessels, while ring small vessels in open rings. The Hindu
potter who rst adopted the kiln borrowed it from a Muslim friend who
was making only big vessels. As a consequence, he considered that the
kiln was unsuitable to re small vessels. The other Hindu families living
in the same town (same sub-caste) are not interested in the kiln because
they say they make only small vessels and that small vessels cannot be
red in kilns. In a nearby village, Siyana, ve Hindu families use also a
kiln. But, unlike in Jahangirabad, the kiln is small and used for small
vessels only (the history of the adoption of the kiln is dierent); the big
vessels are red in open rings. The other Hindu families (same sub-
caste) use open rings only, explaining that they make big vessels and
that big vessels cannot be red in kilns. In summary, in Northern India,
the same type of vertical updraft kiln is perceived as good for ring big
or small vessels depending on the type of vessels red in the kiln which
was originally adopted. This relative perception of the kiln properties
makes that potters do not transfer the new ring technique even to their
own production.
The eld experiments in India explain how this cognitive bias is
constructed at the individual level in the course of learning: young
potters develop progressively, by reference to their experience, their
own understanding of the properties of the techniques in relationship
with the properties of the nished products (I use the kiln because I make
decorative items
; I use the y
wheel because I throw big pots). They use
obvious indicators of what they think should be causing their practice.
This causality process is studied in social psychology and has been well
described within the framework of the attribution theory which is about
how people make causal explanations (
Kelley, 1967, 1973). These
causal explanations prevent individuals from transferring their skills to
new situations because they do not understand the properties of the
task. In experimental psychology, capacities of transfer of skills to new
situations is used to characterize degrees of expertise (e.g. Bril et al.,
In Ecuador, where two technological standards are used, this cog-
nitive bias has promoted polarization despite absence of social dier-
entiation - individuals belong to the same social group - and close ties
between the potters. Consequently, the potter community is distributed
between those who use the kiln and make decorative items and those
who use open rings and make utilitarian vessels. It perceives itself as
composed of two technologically marked groups and for this reason,
refuses to form an association despite economic advantages.
Dierentiation created by technological standards increases when
they are in the hands of dierent social groups. The eld experiments in
India show how young potters correlate progressively techniques and
social groups: correlation between techniques and nished products
gets combined with the correlation linking nished products and social
groups. The result is twofold: a strong link between techniques and
social group (technique t is correlated to product p, product p to group
Fig. 13. Number of potters distributed per gender (F, M) and between those
who know about the foot-wheel (1) and those who don't (0).
V. Roux et al.
Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Ar chaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
G, then technique t to group G), and a sharp disagreement between the
social groups - not the same technique, not the same nished products,
not the same social group as seen in Ethiopia, Cameroon and India.
This disagreement promotes dierentiation while, at the same time,
aliation is reinforced in the course of learning, communities of
practice and cultural process of identity construction shaping each
other (
Lave, 1991, p. 80).
Interactions are of a major importance in the polarization process.
Indeed, interactions are required for actors to correlate techniques and
social groups as shown by Indian teenagers. These interactions can be of
dierent nature, as exemplied by the four case studies, but they al-
ways take place between actors who live in close geographical proxi-
mity and who in this regard are strongly connected.
3.3. Conditions for persistence of technological boundaries
The four case studies show that independently of the organization of
production, interactions between actors belonging to dierent well
connected groups are not sucient for positive inuence when the
dierences between the groups are higher than within the groups. The
technological standards are strong markers of dierences, creating
inter-group disagreement (even within a same social group). As a
consequence, these technological standards contribute directly to en-
hance and add dierentiation between interacting communities, espe-
cially if those belong to dierent social groups. It explains that persis-
tence of technological boundaries has been systematically observed in
situations where dierent communities live in close geographical
proximity and use dierent technological standards. Whatever the
cultural context and the local social situation, these interactions have
promoted negative inuence.
Lastly, let us note that there may be exceptions to this regularity.
One example takes place in Cameroon where one Mambila potter (FAN-
Cp, whose mother SAB-Cp taught her Cp) adopted recently Md, after
visiting MAR-Md and ELH-Md and practicing with them, from the
preparation of the clay paste to the forming of the vessel. As a result,
there has been a positive inuence and an integrative eect. This po-
sitive inuence reveals:
(a) The role of the cognitive bias correlating here clay material and
fashioning technique; the potter did not borrow only the forming
technique, but also the clay material, linking both features which,
in the case of Cameroon, appear to have played a role in the dif-
ferentiation process between the four groups, each of them using
dierent clay materials and recipes.
(b) The role of social learning. Borrowing new practices has implied
social learning between individuals from the Md and Cp social
groups through common practice, from the preparation of the clay
until the forming of the pot. In a situation of technological polar-
ization, such a situation is rare. It goes with exceptional close re-
lationships. This has been observed in Cameroon, and in India, in
the town of Jahangirabad (Bulandshar dist.) where a Hindu potter
and a Muslim potter had developed exceptional friendship followed
by a unique case of borrowing of the kiln by the Hindu potter.
4. Conclusions
Field studies have enabled us to test empirically the predictions of
the experimental model elaborated by
Flache and Macy (2011)
examining the
micro-processes at play in the non-borrowing of tech-
niques. They highlight that interactions between groups using dierent
technological standards and living in close geographical proximity re-
present conditions in favor of the persistence of technological bound-
aries. Technological standards add to dierentiation between groups
due to a cognitive bias developed at the individual level. Polarization
along with negative inuence increases when the technologically
marked groups belong to dierent social groups. The former do not
correspond necessarily to distinctive, bounded, homogeneous social
groups; their nature can be expressed by their degree of groupness,a
term coined by Brubaker and Cooper while debating identity (Brubaker
and Cooper, 2000, p. 20). By using the term groupness, the point is to
take advantage of:
an analytical idiom sensitive to the multiple forms and degrees of
commonality and connectedness, and to the widely varying ways in
which actors () attribute meaning and signicance to them. This
will enable us to distinguish instances of strongly binding, vehe-
mently felt groupness from more loosely structured, weakly con-
straining forms of anity and aliation.
Brubaker and Cooper, 2000, p. 21
Our four case studies illustrate dierent degrees of groupness, from
a weakly constraining form of anity as in Ecuador, to a strongly sense
of groupness expressed by explicit reference to the other group as in
Ethiopia, Cameroon and India. The sense of groupness is enhanced
when technological boundaries overlap social boundaries, strengthened
then by greater dierentiation between groups. In archaeology con-
textual data should help to correlate technological clusters with dif-
ferent degrees of groupness (e.g. Parkinson, 2006).
Polarization and negative inuence can last for centuries, as ex-
emplied by the long co-existence of wheel made and hand-made
ceramics around the Mediterranean basin (
Gauss et al., 2016).
This work was supported by the ANR (The French National Agency
for Research) within the framework of the program CULT
(Metamorphosis of societies –“Emergences and evolution of cultures
and cultural phenomena), project DIFFCERAM (Dynamics of spreading
of ceramic techniques and style: actualist comparative data and agent-
based modeling) (n°ANR-12-CULT-0001-01).
The data were collected, analyzed and illustrated: in Cameroon by
E. Zangato and G. de Saulieu; in Ecuador, by C. Lara; in Ethiopia by J.
Cauliez, C. Manen and A.-L. Goujon; in India by B. Bril and V. Roux. The
paper has been written by V. Roux.
In Cameroon, we are most grateful to the students Anselme Ossima,
François Ngouoh and Ruth Wa a, from the University of Yaounde 1,
and Guillaume Delebarre, from the University of Paris Nanterre, who
took part in the eldwork during the seasons of 2013 and 2014. We
thank also the IRD Yaounde, the department of archaeology of Yaounde
1, the sub-prefect of Bankim and the traditional Tikar chief of Bankim
for their help in the
eld. In Ecuador, we thank Tamara Landívar,
curator of
the ethnographic department of the ethnographic museum of
Pumapungo in Cuenca, Ministry of Culture, for her help and her interest
in the project. In Ethiopia, the project was supported by the Fyssen
Foundation and the UMR 5608 Traces (CNRS, University of Toulouse
Jean-Jaurès, France) and beneted from the help of the Authority for
Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (The Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Culture and Tourism,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) and the French Center of Ethiopian Studies
(IFRE 23 and USR 3137, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). The data have been
collected with the help of Vincent Ard (CNRS, UMR 5608) and
Joséphine Caro (PhD candidate, UMR 5608). In India, the project was
supported by the UMR 7055 Préhistoire & Technologie (CNRS,
University of Paris Nanterre, France). We thank all the potters in
Cameroon, Ecuador, Ethiopia and India for their availability and their
unfailing kindness. We thank also two anonymous reviewers for their
constructive and useful feedback.
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V. Roux et al.
Jour nal of Anthropol ogic al Ar chaeol ogy 48 (2017) 320–335
Four Areas of Focus
Tikar plain
Goljoota and Qarsa
Bulandshar district
Four Areas of Focus
San Miguel de Porotos Tikar plain
Goljoota and Qarsa
Tikar plain
Bulandshar district
San Miguel de Porotos
Gender and Foot-wheel
MgA. Emil Adamec
Thank you for your attention!
Faculty of Arts